NP - Stranger Things 2
John Bailey
sundayjb at
Sat Oct 28 03:41:56 CDT 2017
Lawrence I'd love to know why the same lack of consistency or motivation
etc doesn't bother you in pynchon's work. Is it that Stranger Things still
pretends to a kind of uniform reality within its genre boundaries, whereas
Pynchon is openly refuting a closed and constant fictional universe? That's
my feeling.
Also Rob, I reckon the nostalgia proved its ball and chain for me, and I
was exactly its target. Like all nostalgia it contains the reminder that
you can never go back, and so with nothing more to add it's ultimately a
kind of memento mori slapped on my childhood.
I'll still watch season 2.
On 28 Oct 2017 4:58 pm, "Rob Miller" <robcmiller at> wrote:
My thought though is that the show knows it's cliche & is playing to
nostalgia for certain 80's sci-if movies & the cliches are supposed to be
part of the fun.So in that sense, I think it's a bit silly to criticize for
being cliche. You can't say it's as bad as something like Law & Order where
the endless cliches have no artistic merit.
On Sat, Oct 28, 2017 at 3:19 AM L E Bryan <lebryan at> wrote:
> Based on some comments here a few weeks ago, I watched most of the first
> season. Skipping ahead mostly just to see what the cute kids did. I have a
> really hard time watching characters do things that are incredibly unlikely
> just to get from scent x to scene x+1. I have no problem with horror or
> fantasy as long as whatever happens is consistent to the fictional world
> with character actions that are reasonable. The world is portrayed as
> 1980’s with 1980’s type people except for the horror part which the folks
> in town are unaware of. So in one scene we have a boy and a girl of high
> school age out in the woods after dark hollering for a missing friend. Not
> sure why after dark, but, okay. They get separated (of course) and she sees
> a light coming from a hole in a tree. So she bends down and peeks in and
> decides that maybe her missing friend must be in the tree some place. So
> she crawls in through slimy shreds of goo as though it was an everyday sort
> of thing to do.
> One would think that any decent writer could figure out a reasonable scene
> to advance to the next part.
> And can’t they come up with new things to scare the viewers? One cliche
> after another.
> But the damned kids were cute, So I watched episode 1 of the 2nd season
> and after I send this I’ll take a look at episode 2
> Now one may ask why the similar discontinuities in P’s books like V or GR
> or Vineland or… didn’t bother me. Well, go ahead and ask.
> Lawrence
> > On Oct 27, 2017, at 8:01 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
> >
> > 2nd episode starts out in a very Lynchian creepy maze.
> > Later it becomes a War of the Worlds thing.
> > Lots of nostalgia in writing and production.
> > I like it.
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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