what to read before the Read?

da kid peterock86 at live.com
Mon Oct 30 20:18:22 CDT 2017

Maybe brush up on UFO lore? Read some weekly world news or something like that.

A Tale of a Tub? Or the tale of the tub in the Golden Ass? I have not read either that or Jonathon Swift's but there is some kind of alluding or punning toing on there.

What does Cherrycoke say to study, celestial mathematics or something?

From: owner-pynchon-l at waste.org <owner-pynchon-l at waste.org> on behalf of Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2017 4:31:25 PM
To: Gene DA
Cc: Pynchon List
Subject: Re: what to read before the Read?

My post simply meant: Think about the foundation of the US. Read the founding documents if you haven't
and have time.

maybe fewer buried allusions in M & D than in other big books. .Would like other Golden/Silver Agers to weigh in here.

So, don't worry what you haven't read. Read M & D maybe and then reread it agin. There is no reading only rereading--Nabokov......
Check the wiki.

Franklin's autobiography and a bio.

Democracy in America.

On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 2:40 PM, Gene DA <genevievej.da at gmail.com<mailto:genevievej.da at gmail.com>> wrote:
Having not yet read M&D, what other literature is alluded to? If there are recurring ones or major ones, that would be helpful.

Also, I have read a number of the essential articles of Federalist Papers, but there's a lot, any specific ones you suggest? Or are the key ones good enough for a primer?

Any such suggestions are appreciated.

On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 12:17 PM, Jochen Stremmel <jstremmel at gmail.com<mailto:jstremmel at gmail.com>> wrote:
There is a wonderful book by Henry Miller about the books in his life where
he says something like: you shouldn't read more, you should read less.

2017-10-30 17:32 GMT+01:00 Arthur Fuller <fuller.artful at gmail.com<mailto:fuller.artful at gmail.com>>:
Last thing I binged was Sons of Anarchy; I watched seven seasons in one week, a season a day. I remember saying to a friend of mine, this is not a biker story, this is Shakespeare on wheels, and I was proved correct in the credits of the last episode, a quote from King Lear, the best play ever penned.

I read a shocking stat last week, and it made me realize how little I know and how uneducated I am. Last year, 180,000 books were publlished in England alone. At 3 per week, and sometimes it's slower going, depending on the depth. Let's calculate this; 3 per week time 52 weeks equals 156 books per annum, which is a miniscule fraction of the books published in England, let alone the USA, Canada, etc. In other words, I am just slightly better than illiterate. I've read every word from Thomas Pynchon and William Gaddis and a few others, including J.S. Mill, Jeremy Bentham and Werner Heisenberg. But there remain the couple of hundred thousand books per year that I have not read.


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