Whose white president?

David Morris fqmorris at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 09:57:21 CDT 2017


"The pundit narrative Coates targets holds that Trump’s election was not
driven by his white electorate’s racism. Instead, it was fueled by cultural
and economic grievance — by a backlash against liberal elites who sneer at
working class whites’ vanishing way of life, mock their anxieties about
demographically evolving America as rank bigotry, and don’t sufficiently
empathize with (or are actively helping bring about) their diminished
opportunities in the globalizing economy. As a symptom of this, the
Democratic agenda was overtaken by “identity politics,” in which Democrats
advocated for the narrow interests of various minority groups, while
dismissing the moral legitimacy of working class white cultural and
economic angst."

"This analysis is fundamentally fraudulent, as Coates demonstrates. It
reduces Trump’s support to a class based phenomenon, when in fact white
support for Trump extended far beyond the working class, and indeed
transcended class."
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