NP A Trump Theory

da kid peterock86 at
Sun Sep 17 19:28:41 CDT 2017

Going back to it being America's fault, I read I very interesting and disturbing g book called The Global Code by this marketing guru and Jungian named Clotaire Rapaille. He gets hired by big companies that want to break into new markets. His task is to basically imprint desires for the product and in order to do that he could ducts these intense to find what the product might represent in the collective unconscious. He calls these the codes and they vary by culture. Like in America, the code for Jeep is Horse while in Europe the code is Liberator because of WW2. It's all very manipulative and disturbing and I highly recommend the book for a glimpse at the contempt that aristo-cons have for us.
  Anyway he says the code for the President in America is Moses because Moses has vision and is a rebel who will lead his people to the promised land. Americans will always vote for Moses. I can see how Trimp came across as Moses to many. Sanders is a Moses too but was sorely unadvertised or misrepresented. I don't think Hillary fits the type, for reasons other than being a woman.
From: owner-pynchon-l at <owner-pynchon-l at> on behalf of Atticus Pinecone <atticuspinecone at>
Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2017 7:50:39 PM
To: L E Bryan
Cc: David Morris; Jochen Stremmel; Pynchon-l; ish mailian
Subject: Re: NP A Trump Theory

I can't make you see your blind spots. But Bill Clinton was very credibly accused of rape. Chris Hitchens covered it well. Hillary Clinton broke the law—read what Comey said. The Republicans are worse, for sure—the Bushs? (Bushes?) How many civilians needlessly died on our dime? If you believe The Lancet, it's over a million in Iraq.

Glad to see it surface on the ol' television. It's all bigotry. We should have better choices... why don't we?

On Sep 17, 2017, at 5:07 PM, L E Bryan <lebryan at<mailto:lebryan at>> wrote:

The elite bubble-enthroned California and New York varieties of condescending media? Let’s poke fun at those yokels with their hilarious accents; Jon Stewart’s characterization of turtle McConnell, for example. The far side of Hochschild's empathy wall. Don’t we all feel superior to those ignoramuses too dumb to see that a vote for any Republican is against their own interests? That women should have a right to control their own bodies? That their religion is a silly mythology that only the intellectually challenged could possibly believe? Is that the bigotry Atticus is referring to?


On Sep 17, 2017, at 1:35 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at<mailto:fqmorris at>> wrote:

Please remind me of the "other candidates extreme bigotry," other than the Republicans.  I'd like to remember that.

David Morris

On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 3:08 PM Atticus Pinecone <atticuspinecone at<mailto:atticuspinecone at>> wrote:
Let's remember the other candidates' extreme bigotry as well. All of which would typically be normalized, yet this time were shouted out. The situation was really, really bad.

At least both parties are severely damaged now.

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