Such dreams as stuff is made on
Monte Davis
montedavis49 at
Sun Dec 9 11:54:05 CST 2018
One of Pynchon's master tropes is to personify -- ascribe *agency* to --
resources and principles taken up by technology: coal and oil and calculus
and control theory in GR, astronomy and cartography in M&D, electricity and
aviation and silver halides in AtD, virtual "real estate" and its
monetization in BE, usw.
His most-cited surfacing (and questioning!) of this is Enzian at the ruined
-- so They say -- Jamf works in Hamburg (518-521), alternating between
"Technologies" lusting for their funding and "do you think we’d’ve had the
Rocket if someone, some specific somebody with a name and a penis hadn’t
wanted to chuck a ton of Amatol 300 miles and blow up a block full of
civilians? Go ahead, capitalize the T on technology, deify it if it’ll make
you feel less responsible -- but it puts you in with the neutered,
Can you suggest other major authors/works that make strong thematic use of
this trope? In which it's stated or hinted that the "stuff" involved in
characters' drives and conflicts *wants* to be exploited, for ends that may
not be ours?
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