It HAS happened here

ish mailian ishmailian at
Mon Dec 10 14:52:48 CST 2018

Just curious, much of Africa and Congo is on the list. How does it fit
with the others? Also, the list is long on foreign abuses and short on
domestic abuses. is there a reason for this?
On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 10:37 PM jody2.718 <jody2.718 at> wrote:
> What's this, your imitation of Billy Joel  :)   But seriously, America is and has been many things, some of them godawful, but I do not agree that America is a fascist state- at least not yet. Oh, it's still later than usual, and Uncle Zoyd is still over-sleeping (He doesn't sleep as well as he used to- he has to get up and urinate more now) and his silicon-based window is still wide open- the creeping fig has almost reached his nose. But as late as it is, there is still time to reverse what has been a decidely rightward tropism.
> While the Pynchon-L has lost many a fine contributor these past years- some to disinterest, and some to fates more permanent, for what it's worth, we're still here. I could, if pressed, come up with a counter-list to yours, indexing as many  reasons why America is still a great place to be, but that's not necessary. Machiavelli may have preached that fear is a more expedient means of maintaining power than love, but hatred is boring. Call me naive if you wish, but eventually, I believe, the people will find ways to come together.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Joseph:
> "Continual growth of military budget
> Loss of privacy
> Vietnam
> Congo and much of Africa
> Chile
> Argentina
> Columbia
> Cointelpro
> Iran
> Palestine
> Greece
> El Salvador
> Nicaragua
> Honduras
> Iraq
> Murder of Black leaders in US and well documented racism of law enforcement and courts
> Purging black voters
> Afghanistan
> Egypt
> Use of Drones
> Pervasive pay inequity and sexual abuse of women ongoing in Universities, Military, Media, Entertainment and workplace, War on Drugs( while CIA engages in heroin traffic, and US companies sell “opioids")......"
> Sent with [ProtonMail]( Secure Email.
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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