M& D Group Read (cont)

Smoke Teff smoketeff at gmail.com
Mon Feb 5 10:15:20 CST 2018

I think it has mostly to do with P exploring kinds and paces of consciousness that transcend (but obviously include) the human. 

Maybe there is some astronomickal-ancestral-genetick affinity with Dixon, his people, and Stonehenge. 

I will say that rereading this passage shortly after participating in an ayahuasca ceremony was very striking to me—this powerful feeling (knowing, being known, by a place, one you’re sure you’ve never been in any way that makes sense to the history-making, forward-time keeping ego as we use and understand it)...As I felt my ego slip away, in its last breaths it was starting to understand it’s own insufficient timekeeping, how much vaster an awareness there was to all (timeless) being, even to all life—and companion to this feeling was a powerful sense of knowing the place I was in and being known by it, but over a timeline far bigger than my mind was really capable of grasping in any more than a glimpsing way. It was like...deja vu, combined with a paranoia that’s actually more  ambivalent than sinister, and the ambivalence stretched out over a timeline I was only just beginning to glimpse started to demonstrate some kind of compassion to the very structure of being. 

> On Feb 5, 2018, at 5:53 AM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at gmail.com> wrote:
> "it's too familiar.I've this feeling...I know the place, and it knows me."
> Why is this said with Stonehenge the prompt? 
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