Jerusalem by Alan Moore

Joseph Tracy brook7 at
Mon Feb 5 18:51:18 CST 2018

I am listening to a sprawling story about the Northampton area of England, specifically the Boroughs, written by the comic book writer Alan Moore. The essential art of Comic books is to pack the most action and character development into the fewest words. But in Jerusalem Moore spent over a year of research and a lifetime lived in the area to produce a work over 1100 pages. His writing has pynchonesque qualities but with a greater ear for dialect and the colorful language of ordinary folk. It jumps through time into and out of characters and it has a great sense of the accrued layers of time along with the constants of human behavior lived by utterly vivid characters. I am only on 8 of 49 discs so no conclusive thoughts but I am really liking it so far and wonder if anyone else has read it?


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