Jerusalem by Alan Moore

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Tue Feb 6 05:11:10 CST 2018

Currently #23 on the thorough international list of Longest Novels Ever.
Two behind Atlas Shrugged and ahead of A Suitable Boy and War & Peace. And
therefore Against the Day.

On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 7:51 PM, Joseph Tracy <brook7 at> wrote:

> I am listening to a sprawling story about the Northampton area of England,
> specifically the Boroughs, written by the comic book writer Alan Moore. The
> essential art of Comic books is to pack the most action and character
> development into the fewest words. But in Jerusalem Moore spent over a year
> of research and a lifetime lived in the area to produce a work over 1100
> pages. His writing has pynchonesque qualities but with a greater ear for
> dialect and the colorful language of ordinary folk. It jumps through time
> into and out of characters and it has a great sense of the accrued layers
> of time along with the constants of human behavior lived by utterly vivid
> characters. I am only on 8 of 49 discs so no conclusive thoughts but I am
> really liking it so far and wonder if anyone else has read it?
>    -
> Pynchon-l /
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