More of the same,only different.

Joseph Tracy brook7 at
Tue Feb 20 11:49:13 CST 2018

Why am I so negative? Basically the US has made itself and its leaders almost immune from criminal prosecution including war crimes far more horrific than anything Trump did. He is just a fat greedy racist sexist  mobster who managed to reveal the inner nature of the Republican party.

I am cautious about anything that does not change the core political debates about war the environment, health-care,  or  the common good vs. the oligarchy. 

That said Mueller is a shrewd dude and Trump is getting nervous.  Mueller may be building a case that Trump has consistently  defrauded  the US by using politics to benefit his financial greed.
This is the real problem and seems to be the gist of the early indictments. This defines everything Trump is and also defines the problem we need to face as a country far more than fcebook memes.  

 To my mind the Russian role in the election was negligible and the idea tha Putin controls Trump is dumb. Trump can’t control Trump.  The Guccifer as Russia case may not be provable, and it may not even be true. I don’t care because the emails were legitimate news that showed a hidden side of Hillry Clinton that deserved exposure. But persuasive prosecutable evidence  that the hacks were Russian has not been presented so far. 

 Money is the way to bring this shithead down, but that will probably leave Pence in office.  What is needed is a reform movement  that brings serious progressive change and breaks the big money and military control of the US government and the 2 parties. One can work for that or sit around and hope that Mueller saves the day and gives us Pence or Mitch McConnel. There is no constitutional mechanism for an interim election.   

> On Feb 19, 2018, at 9:25 AM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:
> " The original Rosenstein letter for the investigation only authorizes investigation into collusion with Russia.  It is possible that other crimes will not be able to be disclosed."
> Yes that is "possible" but why, when the past shows every example of greater possibilities and realities, are you so negative? Lawyer-like? Skepticism in the service of
> "Just the facts.Ma'am"....?  OK, respect that...i just think
> see what else all special prosecutors have brought forward. See Clinton's impeachment HAVING NOTHING to do with the Special Prosecutor's remit. Notice that at least bank fraud
> has already been charged against one of more of Team Trump. 
>  And more, and more. 

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