
Keith Davis kbob42 at
Sat Jan 13 22:14:43 CST 2018

Thank you, and WTF! Earlier, I made the mistake of saying that both “sides” were the same, which was too broad of a generalization, but, it appears that the leadership of the Dems is on board with Uncle D. 

But, seriously, it shouldn’t be a surprise. The top cats and kitties are receiving their funding from the same sources, “apparently “. Shumer, et al.

> On Jan 13, 2018, at 11:02 PM, Joseph Tracy <brook7 at> wrote:
> Greenwald ’puts facts on the table. This is a long. carefully researched and argued piece having to do with basic civil liberties  and the bizarre spectacle of Democrats opposing needed limits on the FBI. I hear nothing from Morris and you but insults. Why don’t you provide the other side of the story. Why are these unconstitutional acts ok? What part of the 4th amendment is so hard to understand? If the people support a change to the constitution let it be proposed accordingly.  
> Some key facts are in this paragraph. 
> "Despite opposition from GOP House leadership and the Trump White House, Amash was able to secure the commitment of dozens of House Republicans to support his amendments to limit the ability of Trump’s FBI to spy on Americans without warrants. The key provision of his amendment would have required that the FBI first obtain a warrant before being permitted to search and read through the communications of Americans collected by the National Security Agency.
> To secure enactment of these safeguards, Amash needed support from a majority of House Democrats. That meant that House Democrats held the power in their hands to decide whether Trump — the president they have been vocally vilifying as a lawless tyrant threatening American democracy — would be subjected to serious limits and safeguards on how his FBI could spy on the conversations of American citizens.
> Debate on the bill and the amendments began on the House floor yesterday afternoon, and it became quickly apparent that leading Democrats intended to side with Trump and against those within their own party who favored imposing safeguards on the Trump administration’s ability to engage in domestic surveillance. "
>> On Jan 13, 2018, at 10:02 PM, Mark Thibodeau <jerkyleboeuf at> wrote:
>> Notice that the purity pigs over at The Intercept don't even TRY to give the "other" side of the story. It's just "Dems bad as GOP Big Brother blah blah WAAAAH!!!" 
>> , 
>> Greenwald's Wikileaks-loving rag is porn for pseudo-woke political purity punks.
>> J
>> On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 9:53 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
>> Thanks.
>> Bothsiderism is a contagious plague.  "Congress" isn't to blame for anything. That kind of reporting is media's way of escaping responsibility for reporting, for doing its #1 job.
>> On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 8:40 PM Keith Davis <kbob42 at> wrote:
>> Thanks for calling me on it. Of course, it’s a cop out. A way of not taking responsibility for paying attention to who is helping and who is not. You dig? Of course you do. 
>>> On Jan 13, 2018, at 9:32 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
>>> No.  Stop spreading the cancer of Bothsierism.
>>> Are *WE* all the same?  Neither are *THEY.*
>>> David Morris
>>> On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 6:40 PM Keith Davis <kbob42 at> wrote:
>>> They’re all the same.
>>>> On Jan 13, 2018, at 5:25 PM, Joseph Tracy <brook7 at> wrote:
>>>> Resist my ass.
> -
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