"You're gonna want cause & effect"---in Gravity's Rainbow. TR Pynchon on the President. So to speak.

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at gmail.com
Tue Jan 16 05:29:45 CST 2018

"innocent as a child, perhaps unaware--perhaps--that in his play he wrecks
the elegant rooms of history, threatens the idea of cause and effect
...."Will Postwar be nothing but 'events' newly created one moment to the
next?"---Gravity's Rainbow, p. 56

At least half a dozen times in* Fire & Fury* Wolff says and repeats an
insight he has on President Trump---that his mind has a constant problem
with cause & effect:
 it's jump aroundness, free associating with his own internal links; his
constant mental slurring of
truth and falsity; his ability to project his willed perceptions and think
they are reality......

As I say, Pynchon knows everything and knew it all long ago. GR--prophetic
fiction still (always) unfolding.

And the absolute sublimity--in Bloom's/the literary-- sense---of that
second "perhaps'-- in my humble opinion---since the question of
how much calculating IS being done pervades Psych 101 discussions of the US

 P is still unbelievable.
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