Neal, Is Pynchon back?

etb eburns at
Tue Jan 30 08:26:27 CST 2018

There's a Gaddis list on yahoo groups. It's very quiet...

Gaddis-l at

-----Original Message-----
From: "Arthur Fuller" <fuller.artful at>
Sent: ‎1/‎30/‎2018 14:12
To: "Mark Kohut" <mark.kohut at>
Cc: "Pynchon Liste" <pynchon-l at>
Subject: Re: Neal, Is Pynchon back?

I know nothing about Neal, other than what's printed on the covers of his hardback editions. I vaguely recall that he lives in Seattle, and that he's got a couple of doctorates, in physics and astronomy (or was it astrophysics). 

All that detail is without consequence. What matters are the books. Zodiac indicated promise. Snow Crash launched him into the stratosphere of s-f. Since then, almost everty work has raised the bar significantly. The Baroque Trilogy did so in spades. Perhaps he did not follow Bruce Sterling and William Gibson, whose Difference Engine, to my knowledge, was the first s-f novel to go back in time, rather than posit a future. In Neal's trilogy, he extends this thread in much more (some might say, exhaustive) detail. Having read a lot about the history of science, and the works of both Newton and Leibniz, I revelled in reading this part of the trilogy, but I realize that's an individual and particular fascination.

Finally, I don't mean to detail this list from its original purpose, the exploration and explication of the works of Thomas Punchon.

Best I find a similar list, devoted to Neal Stephenson and also (another list) William Gaddis. I'm not sure how to find such lists, shoule they exist; and if they don't, how to create them. 

Can anyone advise me on how to create a new list, and how to let the world know that it exists?


On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 7:36 AM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:

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