NP - RIP Stanley Cavell

Jochen Stremmel jstremmel at
Thu Jun 21 15:31:19 CDT 2018

Thanks, Matthew! Indeed, I never heard of him although I should have
stumbled over his book Pursuits of Happiness long ago. The Lady Eve is one
of my all time favorites, perhaps the most sophisticated comedy of them
all. If you don't know it, watch it.

2018-06-21 16:58 GMT+02:00 matthew cissell <mccissell at>:

> Dear all,
> Though not as famous as some other philosophers  who are all too well known
> in the world of literary study, Stanley Cavell was a great thinker and a
> fine human being. His life was a gift, his passing a loss. If you don't
> know his work, take a minute to look.
> Happy Solstice to you all. Life keeps trucking.
> ciao
> mc
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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