Mark Kohut
mark.kohut at
Fri May 4 05:23:38 CDT 2018
Thanks for the Lot 49 reminder. It now reminds me of the bridge conceit in
Tristram Shandy, in which Sterne means, among other resonances, the bridge
between reality and language, reality and THAT inner world. Wunderbar.
On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 5:21 AM, Kai Frederik Lorentzen <lorentzen at
> wrote:
> "We still need a hundred-and-fourth for the bridge." Chuckled aridly. The
> bridge, die Brücke, being his pet name for the experiment he was helping
> the community hospital run on effects of LSD-25, mescaline, psilocybin, and
> related drugs on a large sample of suburban housewives. The bridge inward.
> "When can you let us fit you into our schedule?" --- The Crying of Lot 49
> (chapter one)
> > ... Patients were subjected to high-voltage electroshock therapy several
> times a day, forced into drug-induced sleeps that could last months and
> injected with megadoses of LSD.
> After reducing them to a childlike state – at times stripping them of
> basic skills such as how to dress themselves or tie their shoes – Cameron
> would attempt to reprogram them by bombarding them with recorded messages
> for up to 16 hours at a time. First came negative messages about their
> inadequacies, followed by positive ones, in some cases repeated up to half
> a million times.
> “He couldn’t get his patients to listen to them enough so he put speakers
> in football helmets and locked them on their heads,” said Johnson. “They
> were going crazy banging their heads into walls, so he then figured he
> could put them in a drug induced coma and play the tapes as long as he
> needed.”
> Along with intensive bouts of electroshock therapy, Johnson’s grandmother
> was given injections of LSD on 14 occasions. “She said that made her feel
> like her bones were melting. She would say: ‘I don’t want these,’” said
> Johnson. “And the doctors and nurses would say to her: ‘You’re a bad wife,
> you’re a bad mother. If you wanted to get better, you would do this for
> your family. Think about your daughter.’” ... <
> washing-allan-memorial-institute
> (To keep this balanced: For some participants, at least among those being
> voluntarily involved, MKUltra was a basically positive experience that had
> nothing to do with abuse. For an example see chapter 4 of "The Knee of
> Listening" by Adi Da who became experienced in the Veterans Administration
> Hospital in Palo Alto in 1962.)
> Am 11.03.2015 um 11:22 schrieb Kai Frederik Lorentzen:
> The mad scientists from the real world are not at all "prototype
> outsider(s)" ...
> Donald Ewen Cameron, while he was doing the worst MKUltra torture of all,
> "became known worldwide as the first chairman of the World Psychiatric
> Association as well as president of the American and Canadian psychiatric
> associations." The guy was Mr. Psychiatry per excellence.
> And Hubertus Strughold, "the father of Space Medicine," who knew about the
> experiments with inmates in the Dachau concentration camp and who himself
> experimented with epileptic children whom he treated with oxygen
> deprivation in his Berlin laboratory, was already in the late 1920s a
> pioneer in the emerging discipline of aviation medicine. "In 1928 Strughold
> traveled to the United States as a Rockefeller Foundation Fellow and
> conducted specialized research on both aviation medicine and physiology at
> Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio and the University of
> Chicago." Does not sound like a prototypical outsider to me.
> Are Pynchon's sinister persons of science - Maskelyne, Pointsman, Hilarius
> - mad scientists like the one played by Jerry Lewis in "The Nutty
> Professor?" Or, do they represent thanatoid forces beyond that myth?
> On 10.03.2015 12:36, Dave Monroe wrote:
> and_modern_culture_3245.htm
> On Sun, Mar 8, 2015 at 11:07 AM, alice malice<alicewmalice at>
> <mailto:alicewmalice at> wrote:
> It is generally conceded that scientists and engineers have somewhat
> of an image problem
> The binary of the mad scientist (Frankenstein) and the super genius
> (Einstein) needs to be deconstructed. But science, though for lack of
> effort, seems to making matters worse with its efforts, while the arts
> are breaking bad all over again.
> On Sun, Mar 8, 2015 at 7:28 AM, alice malice<alicewmalice at>
> <mailto:alicewmalice at> wrote:
> -
> Pynchon-l /
> -
> Pynchon-l /
> -
> Pynchon-l /
> --
> Pynchon-L:
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