Fiction's PoMo Characters

Jamie McKittrick jamiemckit at
Fri May 11 05:24:15 CDT 2018

Wild at Heart is a hard watch, a real patience-tester, but there are some
really funny lines in there. Paraphrasing but the one that sticks with me
is when Nic Cage says "I started smoking when I was four. Right after my
mom died of lung cancer."

Lynch was laughing/coughing when he wrote that one.

On 11 May 2018 at 06:00, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:

> Watching Lynch's Wild at Heart, and noting the thick pastiche, it made me
> think of Pynchon's pastiche characters.  Both authors use these cartoon
> beings as a slippery polemic comedic tools.  Subversive as hell, and sorta
> pulp,  sorta camp.  The acting is soap opera level. Crazy fun.
> David Morris
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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