The Pynchon Playlist

Christian Hänggi pynchon-list at
Fri May 11 09:01:32 CDT 2018

  As a poor ukulelist who can barely strum "Rocky Racoon," I can't  
advise you on the uke (that's Sean Carswell's domain), but as a member  
of the Association of American Kazoologists (, in case  
you want to become one too), I would say, just insert two kazoos in  
your mouth and hum along.

(My article on Pynchon's kazoo and harmonica appeared in this volume  

You're most welcome to disagree on the California novels (nitpicking  
can be as delightful as nosepicking). If Pynchon published a little  
more frequently, we might be able to distinguish more clearly between  
American and Californian novels. After all, there's plenty of  
Americana in ATD. Would that be an honorary American novel? 

Zitat von Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at>:

> How do you play double WOW on a kazoo and ukelele?        
>    Congrats.
>    (Although Bleeding Edge is the fourth of his America novels, not  
> an honorary California novel, imho. The California novels are about  
> the US of A (watch it unfold). 
>    I nitpick that other guy and you thereby)  
>    On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 9:39 AM, Mark Thibodeau  
> <jerkyleboeuf at> wrote:
>> WOW!
>> On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 9:32 AM, Christian Hänggi <pynchon-list at>
>> wrote:
>>> Pleased to announce that Orbit just published my catalog of 927 historical
>>> musical references in Pynchon's oeuvre along with some statistical  
>>> analyses:
>>> PS: In the meantime, I spotted number 928. Can you guess which one I
>>> missed?
>>> --
>>> Pynchon-L:
>> --
>> Pynchon-L:

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