Christian Hänggi pynchon-list at
Wed May 16 02:36:12 CDT 2018

  Thank you for this! I was curious where Iborra and Bonilla had  
picked it up. As far as I remember, they don't reveal their source.  
Can you tell me where you got your information so that I can update  
the article on


Zitat von Mike Weaver <mike.weaver at>:

> I was having an Insect Trust fe(a)st yesterday, listening to both  
> albums and reading various bits about them.
> Of "The Eyes of a New York Woman" the entry reads:
>> García Iborra and de Jódar Bonilla write that “Pynchon was  
>> >displeased with the band and threatened with legal actions if >the  
>> band did not withdraw the album. After some negotiations >the band  
>> agreed to stop its performance live and Pynchon >stopped legal  
>> actions” (40).
> The 'album' would be Hoboken Saturday Night which includes 'Eyes'
> Yet Ed Ward says the song was first released as a single by an  
> earlier Arkansas incarnation of the band, called The Primitives, and  
> withdrawn when Pynchon threatened to sue, and the Insect Trust  
> version had his permission. Elsewhere is written he threatened to  
> sue until he heard the record which he liked.
> Have any P'troofers applied their forensic skills to this morass of  
> rumour and confusion?

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