Russiagate failing?

Joseph Tracy brook7 at
Sun May 27 08:24:34 CDT 2018

I think rather you know that I and anyone else who is paying any kind of attention do know what the MSMS is saying. It is too omnipresent to avoid. I personally often read the NYT,  the Guardian and Reuters, and listen to Public radio news.  
> On May 23, 2018, at 12:10 PM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at>
> Date: Wed, May 23, 2018 at 12:08 PM
> Subject: Re: Russiagate failing?
> To: Joseph Tracy <brook7 at>
> Yeah, the spontaneously careful yet absolutely line by line excitement and
> sublimity of Mason & Dixon is so boring for everyone (else) on the Plist.
> It may be more "perfect' than GR; it is magnificent. But as my grandson
> said when told it was his last soccer game this season, "Who cares?"
> a Group Read keeps being asked for by many---for maybe a decade; maybe
> longer---and yet, the stamina to keep talking
> pales against the excitement of potentially arguing over the low down. Or
> soapboxing. So it goes.
> Joseph, whatever you believe, I think even you know you do not know WHAT
> the MSM is saying. You don't follow it. And i bet our definitions differ
> anyway. But I may be wrong and Who Cares?
> ( I wrote about what I've learned from you when you aren't this. You, once
> again, have learned ??)
> Preach, Joseph, preach. We all need to express ourselves as Shakespeare and
> Nietzsche are always saying.
> A--And the Plist accepts everything. A wonderful feature.
> Plist parable from my first philosophy class: a sock gets a hole in it. A
> patch covers it .Then, another hole appears. And it is patched too.
> Another.
> Then one day the sock owner notices that the sock is nothing but patches.
> Is it the same sock?
> I say the Pynchon List is no longer the Pynchon List, whatever nice free n'
> easy thing it has evolved into.
> Bye, Bye.
> On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 11:10 AM, Joseph Tracy <brook7 at> wrote:
>> I sincerely hope the Mueller investigation exposes enough criminality to
>> bring down Trump, but has this media focus on Russia worked?
>> Trump is again rising in the polls, despite months of allegations about
>> collusion with Russia. His more provable collusion with Saudi Arabia,
>> Israel etc. has not been challenged by MSM. His personal profiteering has
>> not been pursued by the media in any depth. The tax breaks for the rich
>> seem to be politics as usual, toturer heading CIA is aided by Democrats.
>> Still no solid evidence of criminal collusion with Russian state.
>> The Clinton machine and Democratic party machine tried to pin her
>> widespread failure to build popular support on Russia rather than address
>> the failures of the Democratic leadership.  They got press help, but
>> despite a year and a half of russiagate Trump is growing in popularity.
>> The largest problems we face have been created with bipartisan support and
>> no puniishment for criminal behavior: Military budgets and failed wars are
>> destroying domestic investment and citizen rights, Ignoring climate change
>> continues with enormous costs to all but banks and vulture capitalists, The
>> economy is rigged and predatory and the trillion dollar criminality of the
>> housing scam was rewarded rather than punished, basic health issues like
>> water safety go un addressed, neither party is fighting for single pay
>> healthcare,  the livable wage issue is ignored by both parties,  police
>> racism and  race based mortgage discrimination is rampant in blue and red
>> states, state surveillance goes unchalleged, both heroin and oxycontin are
>> taking thousands of lives with no concerted party effort to stop it, the
>> press continues to pimp for every war, bribery is legal and both parties
>> vote with big money interests, Israel is murdering unarmed Gazans with
>> bipartisan support. I could go on.
>> --
>> Pynchon-L:
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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