PoMo Studies Hoax (gets taken seriously)

David Morris fqmorris at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 16:44:47 CDT 2018


"Three hoaxsters with no previous expertise brushed up on their pomo and
then wrote a series of deliberately dumb papers that they submitted to
serious, peer-reviewed journals in the areas of gender studies,
masculinities studies, queer studies, sexuality studies, psychoanalysis,
critical race theory, critical whiteness theory, fat studies, sociology,
and educational philosophy. Seven of their papers were accepted, and the
number probably would have been higher if they hadn’t been uncovered and
forced to end their experiment early."

A Twitter response:  "If an amateur with no background can spend three
months brushing up on your field, and then immediately start cranking out
papers that get accepted at serious, peer-reviewed journals, there is
something badly wrong with your field."

David Morris

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