Camus Death KGB hit? / gold wc

RZ robert.zutphen at
Sat Dec 7 21:47:55 UTC 2019

So, did Video kill the Radio Star, or was that the fucking KGB, too?

On Sat, Dec 7, 2019 at 2:54 PM Thomas Eckhardt <thomas.eckhardt at>

> "The bombings had continued against writers and leaders of the Left --
> in fact, all those considered to be anti-/Algérie française/ -- with
> increasing tempo and increasing incompetence. A bomb destined for
> Jean-Paul Sartre's apartment on the Rue Bonaparte was placed on the
> wrong floor; Sartre's front door was torn off its hinges, but the
> apartments on the floor above were totally wrecked."
> Alistair Horne, "A Savage War of Peace. Algeria 1954--1962", p. 503.
> Am 07.12.2019 um 18:57 schrieb gary webb:
> > OAS supposedly wanted Sartre.
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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