The Death Knell of String Theory?
David Morris
fqmorris at
Sun Dec 8 00:08:27 UTC 2019
I like the ATD quote, but can you summarize the Death of String Theory
On Sat, Dec 7, 2019 at 5:46 PM gary webb <gwebb8686 at> wrote:
> Listened to interesting podcast which I've linked below. It features
> Garrett Lisi, a physicist/surf enthusiast. The theory he propagates isn't
> generally accepted but he's an outsider trying new things. I've also
> linked an article by Sabine Hossenfelder (
> ).
> Similar to the time after the famous Michelson-Morley experiment in the
> late 1880s humans are at an iconoclastic moment in our understanding of the
> universe. Unlike the past moment we may not need new physics
> (Quantum/Relativity) for understanding, but perhaps just "deeper"
> understanding.
> From ATD (pg.62):
> "For word was circulating that Michelson and Morley had found no difference
> in the speed of light coming, going, or sideways relative to the Earth
> speeding along in its orbit. If the Aether was there, in motion or at rest,
> it was having no effect on the light it carried. The mood in the saloons
> frequented by Aetherists grew sombre. As if it possessed the substance of
> an invention or a battle, the negative result took its place in the history
> of Cleveland, as another of the reveled mysteries of light.
> "It's like these cults who believe the world will end on such and such a
> day," Rosewell opined, "they get rid of all earthly possessions and head
> off in group for some moutaintop and wait, and then the end of world
> doesn't happen. The world keeps going on. What a disappointment! Everybody
> has to troop down the mountain with their spiritual tails dragging, except
> for one or two incurably grinning idiots who see a chance to start a new
> life, fresh, without encumbrances, to be reborn, in fact.
> "So now with this Michelson Morley result. We've all had a lot of faith
> invested. Now it looks like the Aether, whether its moving or standing
> still, just doesn't exist. What do we do now?"..."
> --
> Pynchon-L:
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