NP - Matt Tabbi

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Fri Oct 25 10:43:24 UTC 2019

Fascinating to me. Every word of Hunter Thompson on America, as an example,
is still readable
because there was the reality which he saw and saw into and riffed on
beyond literalness but always surfing on reality,

Fascinating to me that many, with their conspiracy theories, sea-changed
from The Right-
to what we call the supposed Left now-, cannot see how Hofstadter applies
to their vision. It is laughable
that Trump admin folks hired and promoted by Trump's regime are now part of
'the deep state", utterly hilarious---see Dr. Hilarious again, that crazy
head shrinker-- that
such Fantasyland stupidity has now moved on from being wrong on Russia vs
the US election (as Mueller showed, while so many were "waiting for Mueller
because nothing was "proven") to now being wrong on all of the eddies that
come out of it. Greenwald is now a self parody of a meaningless clown.
Fuckin' fascinating.

Taibbi's unconnection to American reality will hardly even be found in the
dustbin of history. it will have the reality
of, oh, James Cabell's once popular fantasy allegories, his fantasy world
now even unread since humankind cannot
bear very much unreality as Lucy Ellman brilliantly repurposes Eliot. Read*
Ducks, Newburyport* instead of Taibbi
and learn something about America.

Taibbi's 'truths' will be revealed as very like Scientist Postel's,
arrogant inability to accept reality.
 Hubris for a paycheck in Taibbi's case---one must differentiate oneself
somehow to stay employed at middle class journalism

But of course, he and the guy coming up in this post are LONE COURAGEOUS
GENIUSES like the sadly irrelevant Sy Hersh,
who feeling his past greatness and wanted by ALL the best publications for
his work and reputation lately, and now especially,
has been rejected for incompetence all the way down the media chain now
including even the London Review of Books.

Yes, *of course* there is a conspiracy against him, yeah, right, as if,
starting with the New Yorker where he once had first exclusive
they now---for a long now-- think he is "unpublishable" because too
dangerous, too explosive for its readers, for America, yeah, right.

yes, Taibbi's correspondence with reality will go down in history like Dr
Postel will live on like the Piltdown Man hoax (only he is just wrong out
of hubris, not a hoax-maker except in effect.)

Like other science cranks.

Yeah, the scientific journal which once published him has rejected his
supposed science. As the UN did while not attempting to discredit him, just
doing so by doing science right.  That is how truth comes out, as it once
did when Hersh broke the truth, not Hersh's single-sourced liars as
truth-tellers lately.

But, of course, so many folks, many within the US yet a lot elsewhere, who
can not even experience the American reality granularly, viscerally,
Who "project a world' out of the books they read,---don't we all 'get' the
meanings of *The Crying of Lot 49?* --will continue to believe stupidity
and fantasy. Serves psychic needs, as Jung and Pynchon know.

Fascinating,  I tell you. Fascinating. Fascinating to me as recently held '
truths' get discredited why one doesn't change one's premises. I can
remember when i had to. Knowledge as Justified True Belief, per Pierce and
James and Dewey. ....

As Joker says in that Pynchonian movie: "I used to see my life as a
tragedy, now I see it as a comedy"
when he murders his mother and accepts his probable shortened life - full
of nihilistic joy.

We all have to murder our cherished conspiracy mothers might be another
extended meaning of BLEEDING EDGE, I suggest.

Meanwhile I found this while trying  fo find out who first wrote the line
about life as tragedy or comedy. I can't but I know it
lives in history)
                     Look Homeward Angel now and melt with ruth.

On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 5:33 PM Thomas Eckhardt <thomas.eckhardt at>

> Here is another great article by Matt Taibbi:
> As usual, I recommend to read Richard Hofstadter's "The Paranoid Style
> in American Politics" for some historical context to this particular
> derangement syndrome -- which in its earlier incarnation was called
> "Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues", McCarthyism or "Red Scare".
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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