Letters for sale.

bulb bulb at vheissu.net
Tue Oct 29 15:09:01 UTC 2019

Someone over at FB in the waste group shared news on Pynchon letters for
sale conc. a Polish translator.

Begin of message

Two Typed Letters Signed about the possible Polish translation of his work

Price: $12,500.00

Both letters to Michael Stephens at the Writing Program at Columbia
University, concerning a Polish translator named Tomasz Mirkowicz. Pynchon
enlists the help of Stephens in contacting Mirkowicz, who had himself
contacted Pynchon and apparently was being considered to translate Pynchon's
work. Undated but from context probably either late 1960s or early 1970s

In the second letter Pynchon thanks his correspondent for his quick response
and apologizes for his slow one: "With me, this is just about top speed." He
indicates that he isn't up on the situation in Poland, mentioning that he is
a year away from the television: "... so I don't have those jiveass visuals
to go on." He goes on at length about the sad state of American publishing
("...proving more & more dangerous to my mental health") and suggests that
if he could find a budget time-machine, he might go back twenty years and
"...look around for another hustle."


End of message


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