MJJG list-O-mania: intertextual refs (overt & credited)

Raphael Saltwood PlainMrBotanyB at outlook.com
Wed Dec 2 05:31:29 UTC 2020

1) pg 11 Once the band starts, everybody starts swaying from one side of the street to the other, especially those who drop in and follow the ones who have been to the funeral. These people are known as "the second line" and they may be anyone passing along the street who wants to hear the music. The spirit hits them and they follow. (Reed: my italics)
- Louis Armstrong

2) pg 11 Mumbo Jumbo [Mandingo ma-ma-gyo-mbo, "magician who makes the troubled spirits of the ancestors go away": ma-ma, grandmother + gyo, trouble + mbo, to leave.]
- The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

3) pg 12 Some unknown natural phenomenon occurs which cannot be explained, and a new local demigod is named.
- Zora Neale Hurston on the origin of a new loa

4) pg 12 The earliest Ragtime songs, like Topsy, "- jes' grew." ...we appropriated about the last one of the "jes' grew" songs. It was a song which had been sung for years all through the South. The words were unprintable, but the tune was irresistible, and belonged to nobody.
- James Weldon Johnson, _The Book of American Negro Poetry_

5) pg 14 Gibbon's "troops of careless temper"

6) pg 15 Mu'tafikah - according to The Koran, inhabitants of the Ruined Cities where Lot's people had lived

7) pg 17 - According to the astrologer Evangeline Adams, America is born at 3:03 on the 4th of July, Gemini Rising. It is to be mercurial, restless, violent.

8) pg 18 - [Warren Harding] ... wins on the platform "Let's be done with Wiggle and Wobble...."
footnote attribution (pg 19) to _The Harding Era_ by Robert K Murray

9) pg 26,27 - "The United States, When Harding Became President
A Period of Frazzled Nerves, Caused by the End of Wartime Strain; of Disunity Caused by the End of the More or Less Artificially Built-up Unity of the War Period; of Strikes Caused by Continuation of Wartime's High Cost of Living; of Business Depression Which Came when Wartime Prices Began to Fall; and of Other Disturbances Due in Part to Economic Dislocations Brought by the War and its Aftermath. From All of Which Arose Emotions of Insecurity and Fear, Which Expressed Themselves in Turbulence and Strife. The Boston Police Strike, the Steel Strike, the "Buyers' Strike" and the "Rent Strike." The "Red Scare." The Bomb Plots. A Dynamite Explosion in the New York Financial District. Deportation of Radicals. Demand for Reduction of Immigration. The I.W.W. and the "One Big Union." Sacco and Vanzetti. Race Riots between Whites and Negroes. The Whole Reflecting an Unhappy Country when Harding Became Its President.
- _Our Times, vol. 6, The Twenties_ , by Mark Sullivan

10) footnote on pg 35 explaining "Knockings" as used by PLB to Earline: "B[uckminster] Fuller terms this phenomenon "ultra ultra high frequency electromagnetic wave propagation."

—- sourced this multiple places, including an interview with Studs Terkel

11) pg 36, mention, though not quote, of "articles and editorials written by 2 gentlemen: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The old issues of the New-York Tribune edited by Horace Greeley....487 [articles] to be exact."

12) pg 40 "The Missing Key [subtitled] Key to Success" by Black Herman - actual historical person, actual book

13) pg 41 shows a magic square built around the words "Satan", "Adama" and "Tabat" and PaPa LaBas says it "was used to charm a germ in the old days" - footnote on pg 60 cites _The Conquest of Epidemic Disease_ by Charles Edward Amory

14) pg 43 "He that worships other gods besides Allah shall be forbidden to Paradise and shall be cast into the fires of Hell." quoted by Abdul Hamid (Koran)

15) pg 45 mention, by Abdul Hamid, of J.A. Rogers, Afro-American auto-didact, novelist (_From "Superman" to Man_,) debunker of racist drivel, and non-fiction author

16) pg 53 "a feeling of an indissoluble bond, of being one with the external world as a whole" Sigmund Freud

17) pg 53, mention of scurrilous remarks w/r/t Voo-Doo made by Albert Goldman, "the 'pop' expert for Life Magazine and the New York Times', in a review of a record by the musician Dr John -

 "when the original Doctor John was described by New Orleans contemporaries as a 'huge Black man..., a Senegalese Prince..."
as the author notes in an aside in the text,
initials that note,
and further notes in a footnote on pg 60 "No one called him [Goldman] an anti-Negro vulgarian, however."

18) pg 54 "Nowadays we dance morning, noon and night. What is more, we are unconsciously, while we dance, warring not only against unnatural lines of figures and gowns, but we are warring against fat, against sickness, and against nervous troubles. For we are exercising. We are making ourselves lithe and slim and healthy, and these are things that all reformers in the world could not do for us." - Irene Castle, _Castles in the Air_ (footnoted pg 60)

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