P & Teilhard ----goes out for Ish

ish mailian ishmailian at gmail.com
Fri Feb 14 13:02:40 UTC 2020

And, this explains why other strong readers here have recognized that
Pynchon's affinities with Emerson, for example, and with James and
Dewey and Darwin, and with Chardin too, have to do with this notion
that we evolve creatively, there may not be a Telos, in Chardin's
sense, or even in the sense of consciousness, Atman or whatever, but
the creativity, as Pynchon says of Education when he cites Henry Adams
evolves and evolves.

On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 7:55 AM ish mailian <ishmailian at gmail.com> wrote:
> A Jesuit AND a Scientist. And, as he makes an appearance in GR, and as
> Jesuits are important to Pynchon's novels and as his ideas influenced
> many of P's generation, including, of course, Don DeLillo (_Point
> Omega_), note that the title of DD's novel reverses a concept known as
> the Omega Point, much as Pynchon reverses Teilhard's Return in GR;
> Teilhard believed the universe was evolving towards a greater level of
> complexity and consciousness, so the essay or Chapter in question,
> Chapter 8 of the famous book both authors use and reverse,  _The
> Future of Man_, a book a lot of hip people were digging back when GR
> was composed, is used thematically, in an inverted madness it haunts
> the American Landscape and Consciousness, as an haunting inversion-- a
> psychological and physical entropy, an escape-velocity- history of no
> future on Earth.
> Why would he argue that it is impossible to stop the bomb project?
> Now there's the rub, there's the connection to C.S.  Peirce and the
> American metaphysical branch of philosophy. This is how it becomes
> clear that Peirce is more likely, as Mark has intimated, a parodic
> figure.

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