Alan Moore’s _Jerusalem_

peterthooper at peterthooper at
Tue Feb 18 02:45:12 UTC 2020

There actually is an explication blog,

It’s got few actual entries but a goodly amount of info in the comments section below the empty outline points.

Remember blogs? In terms of Procrustean content modification and freestanding vs embeddedness, least to most, it’s probably websites, wikis, blogs, instafacetwit...
Or wikis then websites?

Comparisons are odious, it’s been said - 
To avoid that, maybe I can claim to be inspired by Deleuze on difference/repetition -

Difference maybe Moore is a bit more present (and puts more self-referential, things referring to the work, that is - stuff like the exhibition recap) in the work; he uses in Northampton the AtD treatment P used on the whole world, so, smaller geographic focus; his Chums (the Dead Dead Gang) are ghosts of kids rather than whatever the Chums are; his spiritual linkage is to the mystical yet rational-tending Protestants of England rather than P’s (what one lister - John Krafft? - once called) sea-changed Catholicism; advancing overtly while questioning the thesis that art changes things; and Moore’s rag-and-bone shop is (obviously) the horror/supernatural themes of his comics rather than the detective/spy matrix Pynchon often uses and subverts 

Repetition - by which I mean fruitful extension rather than rote copying - elements might be discursiveness, historical grounding, wordplay, erudition, blending of high and low culture.

Still like P better. 

But - Moore’s a heckuva writer. 

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at>
To: "peterthooper at" <peterthooper at>
Cc: pynchon -l <Pynchon-l at>
Subject: Re: Alan Moore’s _Jerusalem_
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2020 05:47:05 -0500

Misc.: knowing the publisher, I tried to get a wiki of this book, like, the Pynchon wiki, set up. Moore's handlers were nottoo interested, it seemed, although the publisher said they were not the easiest to deal with. I took that to mean more defensively againstthan open to a comparative conversation. 

On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 3:36 AM peterthooper at <peterthooper at> wrote:
Bounteously good, imho.
He’s not Pynchon, but who is?

It’s packed with history. There’s an overarching theory of time, so it’s got that going for it. In the acknowledgements he thanks “the concept of death, and the English novel.”
He thinks the Adam Smith concept of the Invisible Hand and Blake’s Dark Satanic Mills were inspired by the same mill in Northampton. Cookin’ place, from what he describes!
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