Tartt's Goldfinch (book-film)

Mark Thibodeau jerkyleboeuf at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 00:08:11 UTC 2020

I like the way you think!


On Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 12:24 PM ish mailian <ishmailian at gmail.com> wrote:

> Characters are thin and the Gaddis (inspired) themes are blurred and
> weakened by the film but the thing that got me was how the plot device
> that gives the protagonist motivation and character is so clunky, so
> contrived, his guilt and remorse and depression and addiction are all
> down to his having been smoking in the boys room. Mom gets blown to
> bits as she takes her boy to the museum to see, what else but the
> painting, because Tartt needs them there when the bomb blows the
> painting off the wall.
> How about he got caught doing something in the museum? Like, he
> touched a painting, argued, pushed, punched a guard or something. Now
> mom comes to the museum to pick the lad up, give him a lesson on art
> and mortality, fragility, forgery, and toss in a little art in the age
> of mechanical reproduction stuff--tip cap to Gaddis to Benjamin, maybe
> JOhn Berger and Sister Wendy ....
> --
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