JMW follow up

Ian Livingston igrlivingston at
Sun Jun 21 12:52:18 UTC 2020

Is there a good way to become notorious?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 20, 2020, at 22:37, Cometman via Pynchon-l <pynchon-l at> wrote:
> Johnny Cochran took a wrongful death suit to court for the widow of Leonard Deadwyler and lost. SDS et al demonstrated. 
> Cochran said this case enlightened him as to the role of the police in LA. And the willingness of juries to support their misdeeds. 
> Something I didn’t get from JMW was that Mr Deadwyler was running red lights because his wife had told him she was in labor. He deserved - and thought for awhile that he had - a police escort! 
> Occurrence May 7th, publication June 12th: everyone reading that issue of NYT presumably had some familiarity?
> Somewhat in keeping with “be cool but care” not to hammer on that fact heavily?
>  Or maybe the full story didn’t come out till the trial?
>  (Inquest concluded May 31st, 
> At the time, it was the longest inquest over the death of a single individual in the Los Angeles County Coroner's office lasting eight days with testimony from 49 witnesses and 87 exhibits and the first televised inquest in California.
> TV rears its crepuscular head!)
> “ Barbara Deadwyler, Leonard's wife was 8 months pregnant and began experiencing what she believed to be labor pains. Deadwyler tied a white handkerchief to the car's antenna, to signify an emergency, a common sign in Georgia, where the couple had moved from a year earlier. While driving, Deadwyler ran through several red lights while speeding, causing a police chase that began at 108th St. and Avalon Blvd., which he mistook as a police escort. Bova eventually pulled the car over at 60th St. and Avalon, where he approached Deadwyler with his gun drawn and leaned into the car. ”
> Apparently really long haul to a hospital. As part of the aftermath, one was built in South Central, although its history has been troubled to say the least.
> (Which is a less ambitious reboot of the original one after closure of the 
> which had become notorious, and not in a good way)
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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