Pynchon's small a anarchism OR self-organizing groups

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Thu May 14 00:20:41 UTC 2020

All the old-timers on the Plist, will have read me arguing about
that strain of anarchism, that anti-statism, outside of statism notion in
Pynchon, which is
a positive about human nature.  Before the meaning of anarchism morphed
into chaos and bomb-throwers. Which it did.
When it meant bringing order out of a void, out of a chaos.

As my little FB Group site asks: If Books Are Not Life, Then What is? Which
in only two types
of ambiguity also means Life and Books are Like One, like when the
ophthamologist clicks that second lens over the first and the vision is
united and clear.

Which literally means that part of why I like Pynchon and this concept is
also part of some of my meaningful actions
in my small life.

This from a local story about a small town effort to help those in need in
which Yours Truly of course uses
self-organizing because it was and he is/was deeply influenced by the

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