Zoyd Wheeler up in the sky

Arthur Fuller fuller.artful at gmail.com
Fri Oct 2 16:36:58 UTC 2020

Almost nobody who travels by air thinks of the consequences of said mode of
travel; and when they do, they are confronted with a most difficult choice:
we might call it flight or fight. Flight travel creates some of the most
dangerous threats to the atmosphere.  But these people who fly to China to
buy cheap imports make me puke. They could be hiring people from Canada and
the USA to perform these tasks, but instead they are focused on shaving a
dime on the dollar, and not realizing that unemployed people in our nations
cannot afford even to buy shirts and pants from China.

On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 10:57 AM Gary Webb <gwebb8686 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Ted Gioia (@tedgioia) Tweeted:
> Hard to believe, but American Airlines once offered a piano bar at the
> rear of the 747 cabin. https://t.co/p877rEbr6o
> https://twitter.com/tedgioia/status/1311688704226885633?s=20
> Sent from my iPhone
> --
> Pynchon-L: https://waste.org/mailman/listinfo/pynchon-l


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