Great Thread on 5GW in Ukraine

Gary Webb gwebb8686 at
Thu Oct 8 23:42:24 UTC 2020

Both sides? Huh?!? 

I’m not taking sides in a ridiculous “civil war“ between Oligarchs... of which is conjectured in the article...

This is the 21st Century... a great majority of our peers don’t give a fuck what we’re talking about... and the 1st amendment is still in place...

The Nazis and Soviets are gone... it’s over, they both lost... 

I’m not the problem, weirdly triggered assholes on the internet our the problem... 

> On Oct 8, 2020, at 7:21 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
> The statement below by Mr Webb is crapp.  Just joking? No opinion?  Both sides? No opinion?  Then just shut up.
> You are the problem.
> David Morris 
>> On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 5:04 PM Gary Webb <gwebb8686 at> wrote:
>> Yes, and they are just that Conspiracy Theories...  I just regard them in that fashion, dispassionately... I don’t know what’s going on with DHS or ICE...nor do I know what’s going on on the street in Portland... there are narratives out there that are being driven by disparate forces online by various Media and posters on the internet... is it possible to understand the content of what’s being written about, without succumbing to the whirlwind of electoral politics!?! I have no opinion of Soros, and yes, I’m aware that’s he’s a lightening rod that triggers antisemites... just like the name Rothschild, or Rockefeller of

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