Great Thread on 5GW in Ukraine

Thomas Eckhardt thomas.eckhardt at
Fri Oct 9 21:43:14 UTC 2020

Asshole or not, he is basically right about Ukraine. The decisive event, 
which may yet turn out to be the decisive event in the history not only 
of the 21st century but of the human species, was the massacre of both 
Berkut (Ukrainian special police) and protesters on 20 February 2014, 
which was committed not by Yanukovich's people but by paramilitary 
(mostly Nazi/Banderite) forces from the opposition's ranks and 
collaborators from abroad. It is uncontroversial but little known that 
Berkut police were killed and wounded by opposition snipers in the early 
morning hours of that day.

How do I know this, as the NYT and the WP, rightfully celebrated for 
their investigative reporting on WMD in Iraq, didn't mention any of it?

Georgians have confessed to participating in the shooting on Italian and 
Israeli TV; Canadian political scientist Ivan Katchanovski has published 
and regularly updated a peer-reviewed scientific study on the topic 
which has been presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political 
Science Association in 2015; the BBC has reported that one of their 
correspondents was shot at from the Hotel Ukraina which was in the hand 
of the opposition's paramilitary units. A German television crew even 
entered and filmed a room in the Hotel Ukraina from which a paramilitary 
unit shot at protesters -- a video that was scrubbed from Youtube in a 
hurry, but Katchanovski has it. (Italian Television, 
subtitles in English) (Italian Television, 
subtitles in English) (BBC Newsnight) (the 
video that the ZDF does not want you to see) 
(a good summary).'_Massacre_on_the_Maidan_in_Ukraine'_Massacre_on_the_Maidan_in_Ukraine 
(Ivan Katchanovski's study)

The most important and most depressing aspect of this is the role of the 
Western establishment media. They were bad when Chomsky and Herman 
published "Manufacturing Consent". Ever since the Maidan protests, with 
regard to Russia, they are Der Stürmer.

Am 08.10.2020 um 22:25 schrieb Mark Thibodeau:
> Why would you promote this asshole's Twitter account?
> By the way, he isn't half as clever as he seems to think he is.
> And also, he's an asshole.
> YOPJerky
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 3:30 PM Gary Webb <gwebb8686 at> wrote:
>> Not overtly about Pynchon, but Pynchon is the writer to me who can best
>> describe a person’s brain undergoing intensive info-war...
>> FOX News intern with three Phds (@realboyphysical) Tweeted:
>> Thread on why the Ukraine 2014 Euromaidan Revolution is probably going to
>> end up the defining event of the century
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> --
>> Pynchon-L:
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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