Mark Thibodeau
jerkyleboeuf at gmail.com
Sat Oct 10 17:05:33 UTC 2020
I'm sure many of you here remember (or at least are retroactively aware of)
the doyenne of conspiracy culture in the 70's and early 80's, Mae Brussell
(Frank Zappa helped Larry Flynt organize a fireproof/theftproof bunker for
her archives not long after she/not long before he died).
Dave Emory, whose prime concerns were post-war leave behind Nazi/Fascist
operations, was one of two factions that remained standing from the
Brussell circle after her death (the other being represented by the now
departed John Judge, who was almost exclusively devoted to JFK materials,
including stuff that went far afield of the usual magic bullet and grassy
knoll stuff).
The work that Emory does is, in many ways and many instances, fantastic.
He's got a jeweler's eye for imperfections of alibi and explanation, an
encyclopaedic knowledge of the European post-war Far Right (and the right
wing in general). Unfortunately, I suspect that sometimes his pattern
recognition is almost TOO keen. Like, he sometimes sees Nazis in the
clouds. And when it comes to his take on the current global realpolitik,
it's German Nazis "all the way down" (and not turtles).
Still, I would definitely recommend listening to his older,
pre-tragic-mouth-injury material (when he had one of the most compelling
and soothing voices in educational radio). Now, understanding his voice can
be a bit difficult (through no fault of his own of course). I'd rather read
PS - Beyond being obsessed about this clearest and most obvious
manifestation of true evil in the world (and rightly so IMO), he's also a
super decent human being.
On Sat, Oct 10, 2020 at 11:06 AM rich <richard.romeo at gmail.com> wrote:
> and therein lay the problem
> On Sat, Oct 10, 2020 at 8:21 AM Thomas Eckhardt <
> thomas.eckhardt at uni-bonn.de>
> wrote:
> >
> > > He has some really compelling material.
> >
> > Yes. And loads of it.
> > --
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