Reef and the dangers of extravagance (329 words)
Mike Jing at
Wed Oct 14 03:56:47 UTC 2020
This all makes perfect sense, but I think I have missed the obvious reading
from the start. Could it be that Reef is simply referring to "up in that
Ritz Hotel, kids in cylindrical hats bringing you whatever you desire day
or night"? That's extravagant all right.
Raphael Saltwood asked: Do they have Amway in China?
Apparently they do.
On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 5:40 AM Raphael Saltwood <PlainMrBotanyB at>
> Ritz hotel cylindrical hat
> Mike Jing wrote a nice compliment & went on to say:
> I'm still a bit puzzled though as to the source of possible offense. Which
> part of this could be viewed as provocation?
> —- none of Reef’s response. As he carefully intends.
> Dipple has laid this all out as if it’s an actual business plan. The term
> “bunco-steerer” imho arose in Reef’s mind rather than in conversation (it’s
> not inside quotation marks)
> So for Reef to call it a scam would break the illusion. Why would Dipple
> not take kindly to this?
> A) Since Dipple is Stray’s friend, she may be beholden to him, in which
> case Reef’s aid is owed.
> B) Dipple is trying out his pitch on Reef, and would consider Reef rude if
> he didn’t go along
> C) Reef also doesn’t want Dipple to think he’s a total sucker, (“sign me
> on for the roundup in Nevada, sell me a horse and gear and shares in the
> company”* etc) so “ever thus in the world of affairs” is a non-committal
> way of noting, and accepting, the dodgy nature of the scheme
> D) Reef’s moral flexibility in the cause of earning extra bread for luxury
> also plays a part in his reluctance to give offense
> *do they have Amway in China?
> Also, in which sense is the word "quizzical" used here?
> —- probably a little bit of both.
> 2. Given to joking or bantering; playful, witty; (also) characterized by
> mockery, facetious; sardonic, satirical.
> 3. Chiefly of a person's expression: questioning, enquiring; indicating
> mild or amused puzzlement.
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