Return of the Mack (and other half-remembered ditties from the Multiverse)

Cagliostro_the_Impossible Cagliostro_the_Impossible at
Sat Oct 17 22:29:39 UTC 2020


I'll pay for such a slight!

Are there any practitioners of voudon among the Pynchon cognoscenti? Is there anyone familiar with the curious case of Clairvius Narcisse? It's not a good idea to talk of such things in public, but speaking as one who's crossed the threshold only to return again & again, I have have little scruples offending the peculiar sensitivities of the bizango soceities and their legion of zombies!

I recommend Wade Davis book:

It's Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, cold & dreary. The cemeteries are restless this time of year, if my memory serves me right. Osbie Feel recommends White Zombie. Bela Lugosi says HI!

Also, let us not forget our good friend Val Lewton and I Walked with a Zombie.

Don't do drugs kids and don't run afoul of Baron Samedi!

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Saturday, October 17, 2020 4:03 PM, Cagliostro_the_Impossible via Pynchon-l <pynchon-l at> wrote:

> Life is Beautiful in 2020, what a weird year!
> A plague o'both your houses, so says the dying Mercutio...Sad!
> In a past life Venice comes to me as if in a dream, how many of us remember that elaborate ceremony by which the Doge himself ritualized (before that Shadow over Innsmouth early in the 20th Century, if I'm not mistaking) written in John Julius Norwich's beautiful A History of Venice:
> "The Doge and his suite were then sprinkled with holy water while the choir chanted the text from the fifty-first Psalm "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean" and what was left of the water was poured into the sea. Later, as the tradition grew more venerable, so the ceremony grew more elaborate, and included the casting of a propitiatory golden ring into the waves; thus it was slowly to become identified with a symbolic marriage to the sea-the Sposalizio del Mar- a character that it was to retain till the end of the Republic itself."
> Ascension Day, folks... how lovely, as I contemplate such scenes sitting under the portrait of Enrico Donaldo in Caffe Florian's...I've had a bit too much Pernod... Venice is not a good place to be sick. Especially this time of year, but Low! the waters have receded:
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> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On Saturday, October 17, 2020 3:20 PM, Cagliostro_the_Impossible Cagliostro_the_Impossible at wrote:
> > Greetings and Salutation fellow P-listers,
> > I'm going to be completely honest as I sit here writing, my memory is a little fuzzy since 1966. It goes in and out. I remember Manhattan Beach, and that tall vaguely Zappa looking fellow, a writer of some note...Mr. Pynchon, I presume? I do remember the acid I was on with the Mothers of Invention Freak Out spinning on the turntable, then in 1967 the return of Barnabas Collins (look out Willie Loomis!), followed by some strange scenes inside the Canyon.
> > In 1973, our hero publishes his magnum opus Gravity's Rainbow, so exciting and so much to talk about!
> >
> > Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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