Conjugate point - is a math thing?

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Tue Oct 27 19:16:50 UTC 2020

A--and, isn't the image of those meridians, which are equally spaced on the
globe and have a conjugate point (or two? both sides?),
like an image of a very fast jump roping?, line upon line spinning by?

On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 2:46 PM Raphael Saltwood <PlainMrBotanyB at>

> certain hidden geometries of
> >>>> History,
> >>>> which must include, somewhere, at least at a single point, a safe
> >>>> conjugate
> >>>> to all the spill of accursed meridians, passing daily, desolate, one
> >>>> upon
> >>>> the next.
> Pynchon put “point” and “conjugate” in same sentence.
> Due diligence on that dredges up some math and specific reference to
> Riemann —-
> Wikipedia - conjugate point
> In differential geometry<
> conjugate points or focal points are, roughly, points that can almost be
> joined by a 1-parameter family of <
> geodesics<>.
> Yada yada yada
> <
> ><
> >
> <
> >
> Definition
> <
> >
> Suppose p and q are points on a Riemannian manifold<
> and [\gamma]  is a  geodesic<
>> that
> connects p and q. Then p and q are conjugate points along [\gamma]  if
> there exists a non-zero Jacobi field<
>> along
> [\gamma]  that vanishes at p and q.
> Recall that any Jacobi field can be written as the derivative of a
> geodesic variation (see the article on Jacobi fields<
> Therefore, if p and q are conjugate along [\gamma] , one can construct a
> family of
> Yada yada - over my head
> But Riemann!
> Simplistic breakdown: we are considering a spot where anarchists can hang
> out and live without capitalism, hierarchy, coercion and all that buzzkill
> alpha male excrescence...
> Such a spot would be the opposite of all the landmark lines circumscribing
> our capitalistic daily experience (the spill would be the messy way that
> “getting and spending we lay waste our powers”)
> (“spill” could also be an inter textual reference to all the blood spilled
> in _Blood Meridian_ speaking of meridians, although I can’t prove author
> intent from the text)
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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