BEg2 Chap 8 Summary Part 1

rich richard.romeo at
Fri Dec 10 21:06:08 UTC 2021


why such concerns over money when the whole 9/11 operation was estimated to
have cost about a measly $500K. In fact, the hijackers had funds left over
I think. shorting of airline stocks? it was publicly known Bin Laden was
planning something, it was in the President's daily security briefing in
August 2001. Airplanes and hijacking have traditionally been a target for
terrorists. Makes sense some made some trades reflecting that. There may
have been low-level support for the hijackers by some in the Saudi gov't,
but much seemed incidental. It somewhat beggars belief the Saudi gov't
would support such an operation considering the experience they had in the
decades preceding with islamic radicals attacks within the Kingdom (e.g.
one of the earliest attacks,  on the Grand Mosque in Mecca in 1979). The
House of Saud was a little slow in realizing the threat, but they
understood eventually.


On Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 2:29 PM Joseph Tracy <brook7 at> wrote:

> “Which you think is more serious than simple fraud. What could be that big
> of a deal?”
>  “You’re the expert, Maxine. If it was a classic fraud haven, Grand Cayman
> or whatever, it’d be one thing. But this is the Mideast, and somebody’s
> going to way too much trouble to keep secrets, as if Ice or somebody in his
> shop ain’t just squirreling it away but bankrolling something, something
> big and invisible—”  BE pg 83
>  I will probably get slammed for this but ….Let us suppose  or at least
> ask iourselves if this secretive movement of money  centered on Dubai is or
> could be something real and related to 9-11.  Is it something that appears
> elsewhere? Could Pynchon, who seems to have some interesting sources of
> hard-to-access information and research be using fiction to make
> suggestions about who might have been in on the 9-11 plan beside Salafists
> temporarily centered in Afghanistan?
> l <>

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