BEg2 chapter 8 WoS / more about

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Mon Dec 13 19:41:13 UTC 2021

On Mon, Dec 13, 2021 at 1:12 PM Michael Bailey <michael.lee.bailey at>

> But wall of silence?
>>> Checking, apparently “blue wall” is sometimes extended to “blue wall of
silence” and the same sense is extended to any “wall of silence,” which is
complicity by doing nothing.

As Mark also had noted (great minds & all that)

What is going on in Wall of Silence in Chapter 8?

Young creative woman being exploited sexually and financially by rich
unattached guy.
(The “free radicals” of the socius!)

Which maybe the bar is a nexus for that sort of behavior not just Lucas?

And only Maxine speaks up about it.

Is the propagator of Corruption Perception Index (I like how the initials
are the same as Consumer Price Index) and the Global Corruption Barometer.

Their funding is listed

Their story

This is another bunch of the good guys. A successful instantiation of the
Counterforce in real life, if you will.

An anti-corruption (which is more diffuse & generalized than fraud? But
corruption enables fraud…) organization at a different stratum of
society than that occupied by the ACFE?

They have a YouTube channel

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