AtD translation: invested in, invested by

Raphael Saltwood PlainMrBotanyB at
Mon Feb 1 04:28:46 UTC 2021

(that siegecraft has a purpose/teleology of its own towards end which it expends the - willingly given - proxies of the Candlebrow attendees)

Should read “towards which end” of course
From: Raphael Saltwood
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2021 11:26:24 PM
To: pynchon-l <Pynchon-l at>
Subject: re: AtD translation: invested in, invested by

“invested in, invested by”

This is what one would call a trope - if one didn’t know the exact term, which I do not.
Could it be an antanaclasis?
Or maybe a syllepsis?

Visualizing it, the corridor of the sense in the sentence branches, giving two different ways to go, but implying some relationship between them:

their spirits were invested in [the siegecraft of Time and its mysteries]
(they devoted their attention and talent to it)


their spirits were invested by [the siegecraft...]
(that siegecraft has a purpose/teleology of its own towards end which it expends the - willingly given - proxies of the Candlebrow attendees)

Further question - does the “siegecraft of Time” mean the aspiring chrononauts are besieging Time in its home ground,

or is Time itself besieging something such as the chrononauts,

 or a sequence of history that needs to be changed,

...or is mutable Time 2.0 besieging staid old immutable Time 1.1 like Windows 10 trying to oust XP?

Mike Jing, with his penchant for interesting questions, wrote

P452.6-12   The conferees had gathered here from all around the world,
Russian nihilists with peculiar notions about the laws of history and
reversible processes, Indian swamis concerned with the effect of time
travel on the laws of Karma, Sicilians with equal apprehensions for the
principle of vendetta, American tinkers like Merle with specific
electromechanical questions to clear up. Their spirits all one way or
another invested in, invested by, the siegecraft of Time and its mysteries.

In what senses are the two "invested" used, especially the second?

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