MJJG: per Chapter 1-26 haikus & permus of haikus

Raphael Saltwood PlainMrBotanyB at outlook.com
Mon Feb 8 05:28:27 UTC 2021

17) von Vampton gives speech
About the Templars. Someone
Brings him to Wallflower HQ

Actually he audits the speech from an honored seat on the platform

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From: Raphael Saltwood
Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 2:13:38 AM
To: pynchon-l <Pynchon-l at waste.org>
Subject: MJJG: per Chapter 1-26 haikus & permus of haikus

1) Harry the mayor not immune
Jes Grew makes ‘em dance
Who’s to say nay? Wallflowers!

2) where does Jes Grew grow?
Lots of southern sounding towns
And in St Louis

3) a sundered heritage
An ancient dichotomy
Mu’tafikah and Atonists

4) speculations
About Charlie Parker
And this country

5) Warren Harding
And a talking Android
A two-pronged plan!

6) bodies lying in the street?!
(Maybe they are just chilling)
New Orleans Jes Grew aftermath?!
(Is this thing wholly benign?)
The mayor offs himself
(With a bronze dagger)

7) a black man appears
Among the gangs of New York
Claims territory
(& mention is made of Booker T Washington, for whose autobiography Ishmael Reed wrote an introduction in 2000)

8) 20s zeitgeist limned
With mixed metaphor: drag race
& dog show. Jazz Age!

9) where stood two financiers
castigating Haiti
And celebrating its woes
And laughing at its people
Now lie 2 corpses
But the kids have dance fever

10) Papa LaBas
And the Mumbo Jumbo Kathedral are introduced in all their splendid glory
But Berbelang has defected

11) Woodrow Wilson Jefferson
A hick from the sticks
Lugs Marxist prose to New York

12) PaPa LaBas graces The
Chitterling Switch with his pre-
sence, gives Abdul some food for thought

A bunch more action
With Musclewhite and Thor - oh
Such a long chapter!

13) Earline, Berbelang
Some candles, incense, a bed,
A Haitian painting

14) Von Vampton flashing
Back to his Templar heyday -
Landlady spying
(Along with her man-jongg club, the lot
of them peering down through the skylight)

15) Hinckle von Vampton
Gets fired from the New York Sun
Does he care? Doubt it.

16) details of firing.
Haitian occupation still
Goes on. James Weldon Johnson

(Is mentioned and quoted)

17) von Vampton gives speech
About the Templars. Someone
Brings him to Wallflower HQ

18) wallflower hierophant
Reinstates Templars so
As to stymie Jes Grew
Vampy pledges success

(Or else he has to drink poison)
(He’s a 1000 yrs old - would that even kill him?)

19) Vampy takes possesh
Of Atonist manor
Calls his Bud* to join the fun

(*Hubert “Safecracker” Gould)

20) Vampy unfired by the Sun

21) New magazine “The
Benign Monster” covers the
Scene with execrable taste

22) WW Jefferson finds out
Marx/Engels don’t work
At Herald Tribune these days

But he gets a job
At Vamp’s “The Benign Monster”
Columnist and kitchen help

(Also there’s a nice paragraph associating Erzulie and Legba with jazz music)

(WW Jefferson also inadvertently reveals to his employer that both phases of Vampy’s plan have gang agley, causing the Templar-cum-publisher to keel over dumbfounded)

23) the meeting of the
Mu’tafikah reveals some
Internal disunity

24) meanwhile back at the White House
The figurehead President
Presides over a dancing nation. Wow!

The inventor of radio
Speaks against jazz! But the Atonists go further - they
Take violent action and Harding can’t stop them.

25) Vampy and Gould
Approach that Abdul Hamid
It does not end well!

26) PaPa LaBas
Enters crime scene
Finds dramatic clue

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