Operation Mindfuck

rich richard.romeo at gmail.com
Sat Feb 13 23:27:10 UTC 2021


mentioned in passing in Adam Curtis' new work, Kerry Thornley planting
references to worldwide conspiracies (and the Illuminati) in Playboy
magazine and 'plays' in the late 1960s(?) does ring a bill doesn't it? No
doubt folks like Charles Hollander have been all over this

I just finished another re-read of Lot49 and it seems to me Pynchon may
have less love for that work seeing as he already covered similar ground in
V., quests and impending revelations and things that harbor like being
epic, man. But maybe he was fed up with the conspiracy game even back then
and burns it to the ground in GR, but this time with more explicit
references to real-world blue meanies. Lot 49 is rather coy about such


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