Glad you didn’t buy into Dogecoin

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Fri Feb 19 10:33:00 UTC 2021

I think it was at 8 or 7 cents, now it’s under 6.
Elon Musk has been talking it up as a “people’s bitcoin” but the ride from
.0008 to .08 seems to have stalled, at least for now - people are thinking
in terms of a dollar eventually, but I sold 2/3 of mine at  7 & made about
a hundred dollars. Kept 1,000 for the long haul just in case.

I wanted to cash out of that & some stocks to get a cork floor in the guest
room so I could sleep there again - I must’ve brought home bedbugs from a
hike (I leave my shoes in the garage now) and they can lie dormant for
years, so the only way I can be sure to reclaim the space is to get rid of
the carpet.

Meanwhile I’ve been sleeping on the very comfortable sofa in my dad’s old
home office. So no wonder I get up in the middle of the night and post to
the p’s comfortable but it’s still only a couch.

Have always wanted a cork floor. Had we stayed in the house in Kansas, a
cork floor, a tankless water heater, and subfloor heating would have been

P List is functioning again, so that’s nice.

I wonder whatever happened to jbor? People used to give him a tough time.

 I got jbor confused with Jody (who seems to have returned) back in 2005,
and that English dude, John something, noticed the discrepancies & set me
straight off list.

His wife is Serbian, I think, or Croatian, and he really hated Milosevich!

Offered to punch me one time, over some ignorant comment I made about the
former Yugoslavia.

I think how maybe I was in doubt as to the supreme righteousness of the US
bombing there?

It’s like the time I posted that Trayvon Martin’s death wasn’t a tragedy
per se, at least not by the Joycean and Aristotelian definition.

David Morris, while he didn’t offer to punch me, gave me a scolding. But
Trayvon Martin wouldn’t be the protagonist of the tragedy. Zimmerman would,
as he displayed the hubris.

But the more general meaning of tragedy as something bad that happens is
numerically superior, I guess. There are better words for it - I still
think tragedy doesn’t really apply.

Paul Blart mall cop blundering, for the deed itself. Miscarriage of justice
for the aftermath.

There are probably even better words, but I didn’t contest Morris very
strongly. It’d be like King Canute trying to stop linguistic drift!

Other p-list memory was sharing with Paul Mackin my wonderment at how
“peruse” has come to mean to briefly glance at when it originally meant to
read carefully. Paul pointed out that “scan” has undergone a similar change
in meaning.

Hope you are staying warm!

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