AtD translation: loaded and unbroken

David Morris fqmorris at
Wed May 12 15:36:49 UTC 2021
“A loaded shotgun is a lethal weapon and so every shooter* must* follow the
shooting safety rules governing the use of a gun to the letter.[...]

4. Broken and unloaded

When you’re on a shooting ground your gun should always be broken and
unloaded when it’s not in use. Only load the gun when you’re actually on
the stand – with the muzzles pointing ahead towards the intended firing

“Loaded and unbroken”  means the gun was ready to be fired.
David Morris

On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 3:20 AM Mike Jing < at>

> P487.30-32   Tace and Eugene showed up at the door, the Sheriff still half
> asleep and preoccupied with his galluses, Tace grim-lidded and carrying a
> Greener shotgun, loaded and unbroken.
> What does "unbroken" mean here? Never been fired?
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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