NP but DeLillo in Chinese

Mark Thibodeau jerkyleboeuf at
Tue May 25 04:25:50 UTC 2021

Mike! Holy moly! How did I not know you were doing this?!

Congratulations, sir! And if I may ask, where do you put Zero K among the
rank of DeLillo's works? I think it is probably the best of his
post-Underworld novels (neck and neck with Point Omega).

I've read it a number of times, but I imagine you've read it the equivalent
of DOZENS of times by now! I would love to hear your opinion!

yer old pal Jerky

On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 5:48 AM Mike Jing < at>

> It took three and half years to get it to the printer, but my Chinese
> translation of DeLillo's Zero K is finally published! There was already a
> Chinese version published in Taiwan back in 2017, but this is the first
> time a Chinese translation of the book is published in mainland China.
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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