(np) Forward review of Bailey/Roth

rich richard.romeo at gmail.com
Sun May 30 13:48:55 UTC 2021

if there is any solace it's the fact that the time of the massive literary
biography is probably near its end. Times are different. The number of
worthy subjects is dwindling or voices have become so diffuse (not a bad
thing) or the state of publishing, novel writing as a career, etc.
I'm not talking of literary criticism since I gather there will be plenty
of that for a slew of current writers in future. I mean a traditional bio.
who will really warrant one?
The irony of the Roth situation is his attempt to control the narrative of
his life post-life so like what he wrote about in many of his stories while
he was alive
Begs the question about Mr P of course. captive audience I know but I cant
think of another writer with potential for a trad biography. But like the
chance of any further new work by the man I remain highly in doubt.


On Sun, May 30, 2021 at 8:13 AM Jochen Stremmel <jstremmel at gmail.com> wrote:

> You probably knew the quote, I didn't. And I didn't want to support the
> tenor, only give an impression of the climate. (A man shouldn't have
> written this, if you ask me.)
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