BE group read: CH 2

Huebschraeuber huebschraeuber at
Wed Nov 10 21:22:53 UTC 2021

Very helpful. Thank you.

Palantir and Peter Thiel... Now that is an interesting reference!

Palantir was founded in 2004, funded by the CIA's In-Q-Tel. Its first
customers came from the USIC.

A few years ago, I wrote a few longish posts about the PROMIS
(Prosecutor's Management Information System) software scandal which
Pynchon refers to  later in the novel:

PROMIS still exists. E.g.:

Like PROMIS, Palantir's predictive policing software "Gotham" is now
sold internationally.

Just riffing: Robert Maxwell, father of Ghislaine, helped to sell PROMIS
to foreign governments. Ghislaine's sisters Christine and Isabel founded
the IT company Magellan (the early search engine).

Am 08.11.2021 um 21:17 schrieb Neal Fultz:
> Long time lurker, first time poster. De-lurking to add some historical
> context / data / timeline here -

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