Our Corporate Executioners

David Morris fqmorris at gmail.com
Wed Oct 13 15:16:43 UTC 2021


The persecution of Donziger fits a pattern familiar to millions of poor
Americans who are coerced into accepting plea deals, many for crimes they
did not commit, and sent to prison for decades. It fits the pattern of the
judicial lynching and prolonged psychological torture of Julian Assange and
Chelsea Manning. It fits the pattern of those denied habeas corpus and due
process at Guantánamo Bay or in CIA black sites. It fits the pattern of
those charged under terrorism laws, many held at the federal Metropolitan
Correctional Center (MCC) in Lower Manhattan, who cannot see the evidence
used to indict them. It fits the pattern of the widespread use of Special
Administrative Measures, known as SAMs, imposed to prevent or severely
restrict communication with other prisoners, attorneys, family, the media,
and people outside the jail. It fits the pattern of the extreme sensory
deprivation and prolonged isolation used on those in our black sites and
prisons, a form of psychological torture, the refinement of torture as
science. By the time a “terrorist” is dragged into our secretive courts the
bewildered suspect no longer has the mental and psychological capability to
defend themselves. If they can do this legally to the demonized they can,
and one day will, do it to the rest of us. The Donziger case is an ominous
warning that the American legal system is broken.

 None of this would surprise those targeted by the tyrannies of the past.
What would be surprising, perhaps, to many Americans is how advanced our
own corporate tyranny has become. Donziger never stood a chance. Neither
does Julian Assange. These judges are not, in the end, focused on Donziger
or Assange, but on us. The show trials they preside over are meant to be
transparently biased. They are designed to send a message. All who defy
corporate power and the national security state will be lynched. There will
be no reprieve because there is no justice.

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