On Rereading Pynchon

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at gmail.com
Tue Oct 19 16:54:12 UTC 2021

Jochen (and all)....

[I'm interrupting my Facebook marketing, lol, of the Jelani Cobb Kerner
Report event at the Robert Byrd Center next week].
 For the Europeans, it may be too late to watch live for most of you, 7
EST, but it will be available as a recorded event afterwards. Just sign in
before bedtime and then go to it the next day or whenever you can
get to it.]

Here is another way I discuss 'social media' like FACEBOOK---which of
course, needs managed and regulation up Zuckerberg's ass---which example I
use you might know, Jochen.

Peter Handke's so sad memoir, book and then movie, of his mother's
isolation and death when she had to move back alone and shunned to a small
town or village because
she was smart and educated (I think). *The Left-Handed Woman. ...*I have
only seen the movie once but I remember her against those apartment walls
curled up, crying because....
no one ....no one.....no one.....to even talk to....our local discussion
group today was full of semi-Luddite folks talking about how connection
with family and friends via social media, Facebook,
FACE TIME, What's App means so much to them......."i'd have gone crazy'
said one......


On Tue, Oct 19, 2021 at 12:13 PM Jochen Stremmel <jstremmel at gmail.com>

> It may be an idiosyncrasy of mine (one of many) but I think the world
> would be a better place without facebook and twitter – perhaps even without
> the world wide web but I'm not so far yet.
> Would there have been a Trump without Twitter? A storm on the Capitol? Is
> that the price you are willing to pay for the things it delivers to you,
> the things you enjoy?
> And believe me, Mark, there were revolutions before Twitter & Facebook.
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