On David Graeber and On self-organizing non-profits in the real world of the US.

Joseph Tracy brook7 at sover.net
Sun Oct 24 16:52:34 UTC 2021

Liked Graeber’s writing very much. Do you have a reference for this? 

> On Oct 24, 2021, at 7:14 AM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at gmail.com> wrote:
> David Graeber got hounded by the IRS because of FREE money and time he gave
> away
> and sometimes earned without trying and raised for causes. (If you raise
> money yourself
> for a good and real cause on a direct pass-through effort, YOU can be taxed
> on that money
> that you received but never 'earned' and kept.).....I think these were some
> of the reasons
> as even in-kind barter can be taxed, although I never read David on the
> details if he published them.
> I think they related mostly to his role in the Occupy happenings and after,
> since he was there from the beginning.
> My town's miniscule non-profit could NOT be granted 501 (c) 3 status
> WITHOUT a Board of Directors.
> For that benefit, a non-hierarchical org structure cannot exist
> financially. Just sayin'.
> --
> Pynchon-L: https://waste.org/mailman/listinfo/pynchon-l

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